Steamboat "Suwanee"

Travel by steamboat had been around since the very end of the 18th century and became a common method of travel well into the 19th and even early into the 20th centuries. These paddleboats have become part of the legend and folklore of early American life and I do not believe there is anyone over the age of ten that is not familiar with these symbols of early American travel. Mark Twain's "Tom Sawyer" did much to build on the legends.
Thomas Edison, while in Florida, would travel the waterways on a boat named "Suwanee," a 19th century steamer. The boat was sunk, however, and all that Henry Ford could salvage was the engine. The auto-magnet, in 1929, brought the boat's one-time captain, Conrad Menge, to Dearborn to help in the re-building of the boat. Then, in March 1937, Ford dredged a loop of the Rouge River to create a circular Suwanee Lagoon.

A River Rouge flood nearly destroyed the old boat in 1968. The flood waters seriously damaged the hall and part of the decks. But, in 1969, it underwent reconstruction and, by spring of 1970, was up and running once again.
My memories of riding on "Suwanee" run deep; it was an absolute joy to sit there, listening to the steam chug out of the engine, seeing the smoke blow out of the stacks, watching and enjoying the sound of the paddlewheel churn the waters, and hearing the whistle blow as we moved slowly 'round the lagoon. And with addition of the banjo man performing the old-time songs while on our 'journey' around the lagoon, it was a highlight of visiting the Village.
Probably one of the nicest things about the ride was that it was simple: no Disney-fied robotic characters on the inner island to "make it more interesting." What you got was an opportunity to experience, if only for a short turn, what it was like for our ancestors to move down the Mississippi au-naturale.

I had high hopes that Greenfield Village would bring this old favorite back. But, with it now destroyed, there is certainly no chance of that happening.
Honestly, it broke my heart when I heard - then saw the photos for proof - that Steamboat Suwanee was truly no more.
I loved that boat.
Thanks for remembering.
Rob Bourassa
I remember the boat when I took a field trip their
I loved that boat it was so much fun
Also if someone can let me know if or when
The boat may come back ??
Larry Moeller