Firestone Farm: Yard, Barn, and Other Outbuildings

The Firestone Farm is a real working farm, and the presenters can be found working the land seasonally, just as it was done in the 19th century: tilling, harrowing, planting, and doing all of the other chores typical of the era. It is a living history re-creation of life on a farm of the 1880's in Eastern (Columbiana) Ohio, and the presenters who work the farm have done a marvelous job in their presentation of this life. At the end of this posting, click the link to see how hog butchering was done in the 1880's. Numerous livestock call the farm home, including draft horses, cattle, pigs, chickens, and the aforementioned sheep. Some roam about the barnyard freely, while the larger animals are fenced in. But, one can get close to them as they walk into the barn out back. Beware, however: the odors of a country farm are prominent! The barn is known as a Pennsylvania-German bank barn, one of the most common barns built before 1880. They are known as bank barns because one side of t...