Ford Motor Company (formerly known as the Mack Avenue Ford Plant)

It was in the original, from 1903 - the year the Ford Motor Company began - to 1906, that the early Ford cars were assembled. All component parts were manufactured elsewhere and brought to the plant on horse-drawn hayracks. Men worked on four cars at a time and hoped to assemble fifteen cars a day.
It wasn't until 1908 - the same year of the first Model T - that Ford perfected (not invent, as many believe) the assembly line.
Early Ford autos made at the original plant were the Model A Runabout from 1903, and the 1905 Model F Runabout. It was also during this early period that Ford began to build the Piquette Avenue Plant, which is still standing on its original site and in the restoration process.
At one point, the replica Mack Plant in Greenfield Village contained some of the original machinery and tools from the original building, but is now a theater showing films of the early assembly plant.
